Please download the ‘Direct Debit Authorization Form’ from our website, sign and return the form to your bank by marking your debtor reference (Your Membership No. with One-alphabet and 6-digit).
Please download the ‘Credit Card Autopay Authorization & Application Form’ from our website. Submit the completed form with credit card information to the Reception of DBRC for processing.
Please call 18031 (English) or 18033 (Chinese), enter PPS Merchant Code 9845 & quote your account number (12-digit). You may also make payment through PPS from their website (Cut-off Time: Monday - Friday before 7 p.m.; Except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
After log-in to your e-banking account, you may add a new payee and bill account number (12-digit) to settle your statement with the date and amount you defined.
You may directly deposit your payment to our bank account with HSBC (004) at account number: 111-164588-001. Please mark your membership number & send the pay-in slip to our accounts department via email to after the deposit has been made.
You may make a crossed cheque payable to “DISCOVERY BAY RECREATION CLUB LIMITED” and attach the bottom slip to your payment by mail. Please write your account number on the reverse side of your cheque. Receipts will not be issued.
You may pay at the Club Reception by credit card, EPS , Octopus or cash.
You may settle the statement by cash at any 7-Eleven stores by presenting the printed or e-statement with QR code. The maximum cash payment per transaction is HKD$5,000. Two to three working days should be allowed for your payment transaction. Please retain the receipt for payment record. (Cut-off Time: Monday - Friday before 5 p.m.; Except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
You may settle the statement via online or mobile banking by scaning the printed or e-statement with QR code.
You may settle the statement by WeChat Pay, Alipay or AlipayHK through online member portal.
Discovery Bay Recreation Club Limited
Discovery Bay
Lantau Island
Hong Kong
T: (+852) 2987 7381